This is our first ever anaerobic lot from Brazil and it is quite surprising how good it taste!
Rosimeire Aparecida Guerra is the producer of this incredible lot. Her farm is called Sitio Vargem Grande and it’s located in Lambari, a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais, in the Southeast region of Brazil.
Rosimeire and her husband grew up in coffee-producing families and inherited their knowledge and passion for coffee. She works closely with her father-in-law, to learn about fermentation and how to create improved profiles for her coffees. In this way, Rosimeire is experimenting with different fermentation techniques. She is also working on the drying process, in both the traditional way on the patio but also on raised beds.
Sitio Vargem Grande became her farm in 2009 when she got married. It was chosen because the land is between 1,100 and 1,400 meters above sea level, which is a remarkable altitude for coffee in Brazil.
A selective hand-picking was used for this microlot. The cherries were fermented for 80 hours in boxes, underwater without oxygen, before being dried as in a natural preparation process. During the fermentation, they were monitoring the sugar content of the cherries (Brics), as it went from 24 to 12, the temperature, which should not exceed 38 degrees, and the Ph.
The cherries were then dried on a patio and in a drying box. The drying box is where warm air is driven up through the cherry to be able to maintain a stable drying temperature throughout the drying period. Depending on the weather this can take from 150 to 200 hours.
In the cup, this coffee is surprisingly rich, clear, and funky.
Funky ripe red fruits, layered with floral and lactic notes. Juicy mouthfeel. Flavour notes of cocoa nibs, lavender, plums. Sweet finish.
Minimum resting period: 10 days from roast date for espresso roast, 5 days for filter roast.